Saturday, February 25, 2006

Puerto Rico Could Soon Get Real Vote on Status

Here's an article on statehood for Puerto Rico. An excerpt:

As a state, Puerto Rico would have two senators and six House members, and it would outrank 24 states and the District of Columbia in the pecking order for federal funding. And with its per capita income of $12,000 a year — half that of Mississippi, the poorest state — economists calculate that the island would receive at least $5 billion more in federal outlays per year than it would pay in taxes.

Since we/our parents have land there, I'd like to get your thoughts on this issue.


Anonymous said...

I'm not much of a bloggler. But I'll bite. Statehood 100%. Let's put a coqui on the US flag instead of a 51st star. What do you think?

U said...

Yeah. I agree with Tony. Statehood would probably be the best thing for PR. But like the article says: that might not happen for a while.