Friday, May 12, 2006

Titi Marta

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of her. Her passing away came much too quickly. Outside of my loving mother, I’ve never felt the kind of unconditional love that she gave me. Part of that, I’m sure, is that the fact that her mother was Mama Con.

Lately I’ve been desperately trying to recall my memories of her and the times we spent together. My aging mind sometimes refuses to cooperate. My earliest recollections are of her taking me down to
Market Street in Philly and teaching me how to play pinball. Many years later after my first date with a very special girl, I would take her to the dumpy Mart (remember that place) and play a few games of pinball. I would later marry her. To this day, every time I play I remember Titi.

Right after she married Paul they came to live in
Lansdale. They were in apartments on Main Street right down the street from us. It was great. I would sometimes spend the night. The next morning we would walk back along Main Street. This was probably around 1968. I was 11 or 12. Titi Marta was beautiful. In fact, I would say she was stunning. Hot rods would go down the street shouting at her and I would get all bent out of shape and start yelling back at them. She would just laugh.

After she moved to PR I didn’t see her as much as I would have liked. I’ve got a few memories from PR but not enough. When she moved to Atlanta my kids got a chance to meet and love this gracious woman. There will never be another Titi Marta.

I miss her more than I can say.


Ron said...

Nice submission! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Bro U.

I miss her too. She had a unique way of making us all feel special to her.

Thomas Rolon said...

Excellent blog entry.
My turn.