Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
How can you so quickly turn on your Eagles?

Here's the difference between me and you traitors.
Even though my Bucs choked like an old man with a
chicken bone stuck in his throat, they are still my team.
What kind of fans are you? My brother is in tears...
If you can take it, click on the picture for a better view.


Cardona21 said...

WHO HAS TIME TO DO THIS?????? My brother is a sick man. He Thinks because he is a "turn coat" that the rest are. NO! NO! NO! We EAGLES fans stick together. No matter what. I remember when we played football on Thanksgiving back in the day, one of us got cut and GREEN came out. (NOT PEWTER)

Rosi said...

This is too funny, I can't believe my eyes. I think Polito will love this!!!

U said...

Chick,it's not time. It's skill baby. It takes Donavan more time to scramble than for me to create this masterpiece. Sick man? Dude. Respect your elders or I'll Photoshop a dress on your green bleeding ass :-)

Rosi said...

Can you put my face on J-Lo's body?

Thomas Rolon said...

Can you put my hands on J-Lo's body?

U said...

tom, you kill me :-)

Ron said...

Oh man, this one cracked me up! Way too funny. INSULTING; but funny.

Chick is right, we bleed green! Not just bleed- but poop, pee, puke, tear, snots; yes even our gizum is green!

Sorry just had to do it...

Rosi said...
