Saturday, October 28, 2006

Happy Birthday to Chati y Miriam

Both Chati and Miriam celebrated birthdays this week. I wanted to send them both some birthday love

Chati is a very close and connected part of the family. He and Diane are involved in all the functions that we have, that is when they are not being world travelers. They have been blessed with the opportunity to travel a great deal as they enjoy their time together. I believe they have a European cruise tour scheduled next month where they will travel to some countries such as Spain, Portugal and some others and then they will actually end up in Puerto Rico and hang there for a few days. They are opening their beautiful home to the extended family for our Thanksgiving Day celebration this year. He's a hard worker and I'm glad he is able to reap the benefits of his years of labor. Happy Birthday Bro, I love you.

As for Miriam, I hate the fact that she lives so far away. Since she moved to Florida, I haven’t stayed very connected to her and her family. I really miss her. She has Titi Lydia’s sweet and warm spirit that is impossible not to embrace. Happy Birthday, mama. I love you.


1 comment:

Thomas Rolon said...

I've had the privilege of living, working, playing, eating and laughing with Ray. I’ve learned from his excellent work ethic and years ago he taught me some invaluable parenting skills I still carry with me.
Miriam and I have an ongoing joke. The last two times we’ve seen each other was a two different funerals. We wept as we held each other and both have said, “We have to stop meeting like this.”
Yeap. Titi Lydia would be proud. I love you both.