Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Our Trip to Africa

Unfortunately our digital camera failed us when Annette and I took our annual trip to the Serengeti plains of Africa. This is the only picture we have to share with everyone. You really haven’t lived until you see a cheetah case down its prey before your very eyes. I guess my greatest moment was when I receive the epiphany of knowing these grounds have been virtually untouched since creation. Ernest Hemmingway was right when he said, “The world breaks everyone and afterward many are stronger at the broken places.” If anyone ever offers to show you a picture of an African sunrise, respectfully decline. I can assure you, it doesn’t do the live experience justice.


Thomas Rolon said...

OK, I made this up. But I got tired of hearing about Dave’s trip to Canada, Ron’s trip to Italy, Junior’s trip to the Carolina’s and Chicky’s trip to North Wales. I got jealous. I got carried away.

Dave Cardona said...

Too funny! That was definitely a good one.

Anonymous said...

Aye Tomaso, you soooo funny!