Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day – Pennsylvania Style

YES – We had another fantastic Memorial Day picnic today and most everybody was there to enjoy it. The above picture is a quick “cousins” shot we took just before our final game of dodge ball. We also played kick-ball (go Patti), soft-ball (home-run Tony & game winner Tommy), dominos (Tio Tito & gang) and the usual “too much food” (including Carlos’ chuletas).

As Danny Quag reminded us, we were there to remember our war soldiers past & present. The other big hero was our cousin Nair (not pictured) who braved her cancer condition and joined us nonetheless with her husband, parents & kids.

We are very blessed to have our family, our country and our freedom. God bless the USA!


The Tonz said...

Correction: It was a Grand Slam not just a home run. I'll post more pics later.

patti said...

I only know Ulyses from your family, but your pictures make my day at the joy in them!

U said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the pictures.! I wish the Cardona clan was there. We miss you all.