Saturday, May 26, 2007

Spiderman 3 and IMAX

We went to see Spiderman 3 Saturday night. It was ok. The computer generated graphics were amazing but the story line was so hokie and corny it had me gagging in a few spots. The most exciting thing was watching it at an IMAX theatre.

The Orlando Science Center here has an IMAX Cinedome which is an incredible experience in and of itself. It is the world's largest Iwerks domed theatre and Digistar II planetarium. They show mostly documentaries so as cool as that is, I've falling asleep a couple of times. Not so with an action movie.

The theatre is on I-Drive near all the tourist attractions. It has stadium seating (450) and major surround sound. The screen is over 6 stories high and the resolution was unbelievable. Normal films are shot in 35mm. IMAX films are 70mm X 70mm, 10 times larger than normal films. It was well worth the extra few dollars they charge ($12). In July they're showing Harry Potter's new movie. I'm not a big fan but I'll probably go to the IMAX showing of it.

1 comment:

patti said...

IMAX make me nauseous.
I felt the same way about Spidey III...somehow an "emo" Spidey just aint right!