Wednesday, January 23, 2008

oh baby!

Thought this would be a good way to start off my contributions. I can't believe no one has beat me to this.

Polito and I are having a baby! I'm just over 8 weeks now and am due September 4, 2008. We are both so excited and I have been dying to share the news with everyone. I had my first ultasound last Friday and the baby is doing great with a strong heartbeat. They say the healthier the child, the sicker the mom. Oh Boy! I'll be sure to keep you updated over the next few months. Just don't try to play rabbit with my baby, ok.


Miriam said...

Another baby in the family. That would make 5 of the original clan grandparents since Ginnie's grandchild is due soon. I like thE way that your Dad wants to be called Abuelito Rolito. Too cute.
Take care of yourself and don't let the vomiting get to you. Just think, you only have 8 more months to go. The baby will be here in no time.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !

Dave Cardona said...

Congrats Rosi!!! Babies will change you life... even befoe they are born... and then it get worst! The best worst you will ever know!

The Tonz said...

As I told you before, kids are great. Keep yourselves close to the Lord and this little one will have a great start. If you have a boy I think it would be kinda fun to name him Gil Gil. What do you think?