Saturday, March 24, 2007

More Wedding Bells

My boy is getting married. This should have been posted 3 months ago but I was waiting for Adam to give me the picture from his trip to NY.

Over Christmas he took Sarah to New York city for a few days and at the top of Rockefeller Center (Top of the Rock) he got down on one knee, pulled out the ring and proposed. They had a photographer up there so as soon as I get the official picture I'll post it.

We're all very excited. Sarah is a gem and we're all looking forward to having her be a part of the Cardona family. We met her family a while back and they are very warm and down to earth. Best of all they love to have fun like the Cardonas. The wedding should be a blast. It's set for November this year, the day after Thanksgiving.


Thomas Rolon said...

Congratulations to both Adam & Sarah.

patti said...

Incredible pics!!! Dat boy done grown up!! ANd grown up good!

bestvalve said...

so sweet..i so jealous.....