Saturday, July 22, 2006

Had to do it....

OK. So Ron and I were walking down this ritzy part of San Juan when out of the blue there appears the makers of my cologne (Envy). I said "Ron, you gotta take this picture."


Leslie said...

Does Patti know you're a model too?!?!

Thomas Rolon said...

GUCCI is short for: Give Up, Chicky Cardona Imitator.

Cardona21 said...

There many duplicators, and many imitators. But there's only one ORIGINATOR !!!!

Ron said...

I just looked up the description on envy cologne. Here’s what it said, “One of the sexiest male fragrances around according to some girls. This sleek, masculine, oriental, woody scent became an instant classic when it was launched in 1998”.

So now, I must ask: Does it indeed give your woodie a scent? ‘Cause if it does, I’m a git me some.