Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Real Age

I just wasted 15 minutes of my life finding out what my real age is. And the verdict is . . .

Chronological Age: 46.01 years old

Real Age: 48.9 years old

Bummer. While I was hoping to have a “technical excuse” for being immature, this website tells me that I better start eating better and get into a regular exercise routine. Who am I kidding? That ain’t going to happen.


Thomas Rolon said...

FYI - Charap is "Shut up" in Spanish.

U said...

Spanglish, not Spanish. In Spanish it's "Cayate la boca y no sea tan necio idiota!"

Ron said...

I think in my home it was, "te estoy velando canajita". That always made me "shut up".